
Grasping objects in the fog

CompositorDavid Stowell
EditoraDavid Stowell
Gênero Clássico / Contemporâneo
Instrumentação Violino, Viola, Violoncelo
Composição paraQuarteto
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa
duração 7'0"
dificuldade Difficult
Ano de composição 2011
The following should be taken, of course, with a pinch of salt and with tongue in cheek…

The underlying narrative of this piece is - episodes in the life of an everyman, as he progresses through life.

The episodes can be roughly seen as:-
(a) Starting out facing the thick fog of uncertainty
(b) Missing the bleeding obvious - a pratfall
(c) Disagreement
(d) Hectic, incessant, unwielding, intolerant life
(e) Uncertain, hesitant steps in love
(f) The false comfort of alcohol/drugs
(g) Pitching one's ideas against the flow / the norm, and rejection
(h) Confusion at being totally ignored
(i) Demoralised, continues journey
(j) Gone to the dogs
(k) Continues journey heading towards…….?

data de postagem 05 jul 2011

Arquivo de partitura musica incluindo uma licença para um número ilimitado de apresentaçoes, limitado por um ano 10.00 USD
428.4 Kb
(20 p.)


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